Sunday, November 27, 2011

PBL Skate Park

Students worked in groups and were given the task to evaluate the current skate park in Gallatin and to create one new design.  Students presented their ideas and design to a panel of judges.  Below are some of the pictures taken along the way.

Speed and Velocity

One term we learned was centripetal.  Here a student demonstrates this with a bucket of water.  Luckily no one got wet!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Transverse/Longitudinal Waves

We used a huge slinky and a spring to learn/demonstrate parts of a wave both transverse and longitudinal.

This is what happened to our giant spring when one student used it.  Not to say any names........

Teaching the Rock Cycle

 After we learned a fictitious story from "my weekend" where students learned the rock cycle, they were then grouped and were asked to teach someone else.  Below is a few of our pictures.